Leaver's Party

Leaver's Party

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17 Jul 2024

Newport Show

Newport Show

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12 Jul 2024

Sports Day

Sports Day

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28 Jun 2024

Bob Scoops up a 2nd place win at the Newport Carnival.

Bob Scoops up a 2nd place win at the Newport Carnival.

Bob and his building Team managed to scoop up a 2nd place award at the Newport Carnival. Well done to all the children and Friends of School that worked hard in decorating the tractor and trailer. The overall effect was buildtastic. It was jo

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12 Jun 2024

Fun in the Forest

Fun in the Forest

Year 2 children this week got to visit Forest school and they certainly had a fun filled time. They enjoyed exploring the exciting facilities and made the most of all the activities available for them to do. The leaf prints they made were "treely ter

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07 Jun 2024

World Book Day

World Book Day

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07 Mar 2024

Wear It Red

Wear It Red

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09 Feb 2024

Christmas Party

Christmas Party

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15 Dec 2023

Christmas Play

Christmas Play

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15 Dec 2023

Author Visit

Author Visit

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24 Nov 2023

School Council

School Council

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17 Nov 2023

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

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10 Nov 2023

Hibernation Day

Hibernation Day

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27 Oct 2023

Toy Workshop

Toy Workshop

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24 Oct 2023

Harvest Service

Harvest Service

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23 Oct 2023

Fly Over

Fly Over

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06 Oct 2023

Welcome Back

Welcome Back

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05 Sep 2023

Sports Day

Sports Day

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04 Jul 2023

Forest School

Forest School

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28 Jun 2023

Welcome Back

We would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year and welcome you back to school and our new Spring Term. It has already been an exciting week with the Chinese Workshop, photos of which you can find on the class pages. Next week will see the sta

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05 Jan 2023



Children enjoyed finding out about Diwali and enjoyed making diva lights, dressing up, creating rangoli patterns and listening to Hindu and Sikh stories.

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21 Oct 2022

Music Assembly

Music Assembly

This week the children had a lovely surprise with a special music assembly provided by Telford and Wrekin Music. We were treated to a lovely performance from them playing their drums and guitars. Children have the opportunity to sign up to keyboard

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16 Sep 2022



We have had a wonderful start to the term. The children have settled into their new routines really well and are already getting busy with their learning. The topic this half term for both classes is Once Upon a Time. A special welcome to all our ne

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09 Sep 2022

Peru Day

Peru Day

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24 Jun 2022

Puppet Show

Puppet Show

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10 Dec 2021

Farewell Year 2

Farewell Year 2

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20 Jul 2021

Farewell Mrs Bryon

Farewell Mrs Bryon

Mrs Bryon Retires

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30 Apr 2021

World Book Day

World Book Day

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05 Mar 2021

Spring Term Return

Well after a difficult start to the Spring Term everyone is settling into another new and different routine. Hopefully the children currently at home are enjoying accessing TEAMs with their class teacher and friends and we hope the daily lessons a

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13 Jan 2021

Santa Visits School

Santa Visits School

On Tuesday we all have a wonderful festive day. Children looked fabulous in their Christmas jumpers and our school Christmas lunch was very special. Children were particularly excited when they had a visit from Santa as he personally delivered gi

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18 Dec 2020



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08 Oct 2020

Year 2 Last Day in School

Year 2 Last Day in School

It has been lovely for the Year 2 children to share a couple of days together.

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17 Jul 2020

Shrewsbury Museum School Trip

Shrewsbury Museum School Trip

Everyone had a very enjoyable visit to the Shrewsbury Museum to take part in a Lego Education Story Starter Workshop called ‘A Night in the Castle’.

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21 Mar 2020

World Book Day 2020

World Book Day 2020

It was wonderful to see all the fabulous World Book Day costumes.

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06 Mar 2020

RAF Cosford Trip

RAF Cosford Trip

We all had a wonderful day at RAF Cosford.

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22 Jan 2020

Jupiter - From Farm to Supermarket

Jupiter - From Farm to Supermarket

We all really enjoyed the special assembly from local Newport company Jupiter.

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17 Jan 2020

Our Fantastic Trim Trail

Our Fantastic Trim Trail

We are excited to announce, that we have improved our playground with the addition of an exciting Play Tower.

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12 Dec 2019

Playground Grand Opening

Playground Grand Opening

We are very pleased to be able to reopen our new playground area.

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04 Dec 2019

Harper Adams Food Tasting Visit

Harper Adams Food Tasting Visit

We were lucky enough to have an invite for an impromptu visit to Harper Adams today to take part in a food tasting event.

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08 Nov 2019

Diwali Morning

Diwali Morning

Children enjoyed finding out about Diwali and taking part in a morning of related activities in school.

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24 Oct 2019

Open Days

Open Days

We have Open Days, all starting at 10am, for prospective parents to look around school for the Reception September 2020.

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18 Jul 2019

Potato Growing Competition

Potato Growing Competition

There was alot of competition this year at the Newport Show with the potato growing competition.

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13 Jul 2019

Newport Show Exhibition

Newport Show Exhibition

We hope those of you that were able to attend the Newport Show this weekend enjoyed taking a look at the beautiful art that all the children have been creating over the last few weeks during our art club.

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13 Jul 2019

Sports Day

Sports Day

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers that came to our sports day to cheer along all the children as they participated in races.

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05 Jul 2019

Carnival Construction Evening

Carnival Construction Evening

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents that turned up to the first of our carnival creation evenings.

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24 May 2019

Easter Fair

Easter Fair

Thank you to Friends of School for organising such a wonderful Easter Fair.

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11 Apr 2019

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day

Thank you to all the parents that supported Red Nose Day by sending their child to school dressed in red.

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15 Mar 2019

World Book Day 2019

World Book Day 2019

It's been another very exciting World Book Day.

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07 Mar 2019

2018 National Assessment Results

2018 National Assessment Results

We are very proud to share with you the 2018 National Assessment Results.

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06 Feb 2019

No Fun like Snow Fun!

No Fun like Snow Fun!

During playtime today children had such fun playing in the snow and making little snow people.

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23 Jan 2019

Christmas Lunch and Santa Visit

Christmas Lunch and Santa Visit

We all enjoyed our Christmas Lunch today in school whilst listening to Christmas songs.

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12 Dec 2018

Mayor Awards Prizes

Mayor Awards Prizes

We enjoyed welcoming back to school the Telford and Wrekin Mayor to a special awards ceremony.

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12 Dec 2018



Children in school have been learning all about Diwali and the Hindu and Sikh culture.

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07 Nov 2018

Harvest Service

Harvest Service

Thank you to all the parents that came along to our Harvest Festival Service, it was lovely to see so many people in church.

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24 Oct 2018

Mayor Art Competition

Mayor Art Competition

Congratulations to all the children that entered their artwork into the Telford Mayor's Art Competition.

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24 Oct 2018

Open Days for Prospective Parents

Open Days for Prospective Parents

We would like to invite prospective families and children to come and have a look around our school

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12 Oct 2018

Stafford Ancient High House School Trip

Stafford Ancient High House School Trip

We all had a fabulous day at Stafford Ancient High House.

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10 Oct 2018

Mrs Cusack's Retirement Garden Party

Mrs Cusack's Retirement Garden Party

Thank you to everyone that came along to say goodbye to Mrs Cusack and celebrate her time with us.

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20 Jul 2018

Year 2 Leavers & End of Term Goodbye

Year 2 Leavers & End of Term Goodbye

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents that came along to the Leavers Assembly.

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20 Jul 2018

Life of a Potato

Life of a Potato

Well, it's been quite a journey. We watched our potatoes being nurtured and then saw them grow into a fabulous crop.

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18 Jul 2018

Leavers Party

Leavers Party

What a wonderful Leavers party! The whole school (including the teachers) had a fabulous afternoon, dancing and singing along to the music played by Disco Daddy.

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18 Jul 2018

Potato Competition Winners

Potato Competition Winners

Yet again we are thrilled to announce that Church Aston infant School have scooped first place prize in the schools potato growing competition.

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14 Jul 2018

Newport Show Art Display

Newport Show Art Display

Over many weeks during art club all the children have been working on a large variety of artwork based around the artist Hundertwasser, especially focussing on his onion domes and lollipop trees.

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14 Jul 2018

New Sports Equipment

New Sports Equipment

We have purchased some signs for children to take part in a fitness trail around the playground using our Sports and P.E grant funding.

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12 Jul 2018

Sports Day

Sports Day

Thank you to everyone that came along to our sports day. The children had been looking forward to taking part and seeing everyone there to cheer them on.

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06 Jul 2018

Friend of School Play Equipment Presentation

Friend of School Play Equipment Presentation

The children were thrilled with all the wonderful play equipment provided to school from money raised by the Friends of School.

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05 Jul 2018

Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey

We all enjoyed finding out lots of interesting facts about the birds of prey.

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21 Jun 2018

Pedestrian Training

Pedestrian Training

As we won the Big Pedal Event, small schools category in the West Midlands we used the money we received to pay for pedestrian road safety training both classes.

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21 Jun 2018

Shropshire Centenary Sculpture

Shropshire Centenary Sculpture

Last week the Shropshire Centenary Sculpture was unveiled during a very moving ceremony.

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14 Jun 2018

Newport Carnival - 3rd Place Winners

Newport Carnival - 3rd Place Winners

Thank you to all the children, parents and grandparents that came along to walk with us in the carnival parade.

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13 Jun 2018

Exotic Zoo

Exotic Zoo

We have all had a wonderful morning at Exotic Zoo. Children from Class 1 got to meet lots of animals and find out some interesting facts about rainforests.

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08 Jun 2018

Royal British Legion Centenary Poppy Sculpture

Royal British Legion Centenary Poppy Sculpture

The Shropshire Poppy Appeal and St Chad's Church have been working with two local artists, Lyn Evans and Nik Burns along with Martin Phillips of Heritage Schools to commemorate this special year.

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08 Jun 2018

Big Pedal News Update

The Results of the Big Pedal have been verified and we can now confirm that we came 1st place in the small primary school 5 day challenge.

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24 May 2018

Local Author Visits School

Local Author Visits School

We were thrilled to welcome Mr Dave Weston into school on Wednesday 16th May to share his book with the children and talk about how he came to write and publish his story.

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17 May 2018

Royal Wedding Lunch

Royal Wedding Lunch

A huge thank you goes to all the Kitchen and lunchtime staff for making todays lunch a very special one.

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17 May 2018

Big Pedal results

Big Pedal results

Thank you very much to all the parents, grandparents, children and their siblings that supported the 'The Big Pedal Event'.

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10 May 2018

Potato Growing Competition

Potato Growing Competition

Potato Growing Competition - Newport Show

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02 May 2018

Easter Bonnet Parade

Easter Bonnet Parade

What a fabulous assortment of Easter hats. It was really amazing to see all the effort that had been put into creating such beautiful bonnets.

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29 Mar 2018

Friends of School Easter Fair Fundraiser

Friends of School Easter Fair Fundraiser

A massive thank you to the Friends of School for all their hard work in organising the Easter Fair.

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29 Mar 2018

World Book Day 2018

World Book Day 2018

We had such a wonderful World Book Day, listening and sharing stories, making books, drawing book characters and book covers.

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01 Mar 2018

Extreme Reading Challenge

Extreme Reading Challenge

Where is the most extreme place you have ever read a book? Whether it is up a tree, on top of a mountain or standing on one leg, we would like your photos!

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01 Mar 2018