
At Church Aston English is an essential element of our curriculum. The development of speaking and listening, reading, and writing is integrated throughout the whole curriculum. Children are given opportunities to develop their use, knowledge and understanding of spoken and written language within our broad and balanced curriculum, with opportunities to consolidate and reinforce key skills and concepts, as necessary.


Opportunities to develop communication, language, and literacy skills through both child initiated, and teacher led activities.

Daily phonic sessions to develop early phonic skills.

A focus on establishing a love of reading now and for the future with daily story times, individual reading, and paired reading when appropriate.

The encouragement of mark making and writing that are stimulated and reflected throughout the curriculum.

Early letter formation taught through Read Write Inc with a multimedia approach.


Well established opportunities to continue to develop speaking and listening skills.

Daily phonics lessons that support children to reach the required standard in Year 1 and Year 2


Daily SPAG lessons that are taught directly and combined into main teaching. Spellings from the National Curriculum list are taught and tested on a weekly basis.

Children take part in class, individual, group, and partner reading sessions that instil a sense of purpose and pleasure in reading. As well developing comprehension skills. Regular story times and texts (both fiction and nonfiction) that link to other subject areas are an important aspect of our reading provision.

Writing is taught through modelled and guided work using a range of rich stimulus. There is an emphasis on sentence construction, vocabulary, and text structure.

Handwriting is supported through Penpals scheme of work.

Provision for children who need extra support with speaking and listening, reading or writing and is provided through targeted group work, differentiated work or  appropriate interventions as appropriate.